Discipling Through Domestic Missions
Primarily, this happens through the Circle Journey. Partnering with church youth and college groups––individuals hungry for more, we offer this 12 to 13-day discipling mission venture. Each trip consists of intimate teaching and training along with 6+ days of on-campus ministry to the residents of the homes and missions we visit. You can learn more on the The Circle Journey Link. This is about walking American teens and young adults into their full gospel identity, living and giving Jesus within the everyday culture in which they live.
Retreats & conferences
127 Winter Retreats––Typically Friday through Sunday Morning––designed to deep dive into our identities in Christ…Christ in You––>You in Christ––>You & Christ Hidden Together in God (Col. 1:27) For middle, senior high, and college students.
scott and/or STEPHANIE are available to speak
Scott and Steph are available to speak upon request. We’re keeping things really simple. You can email us with dates and details about your event or service at www.one21now@gmail.com. To learn more about us, you can read through our Bios.
Support Scott & Steph
At this time, Scott and Stephanie are taking the faith steps to live as domestic missionaries / perhaps with a few forays into the international (Israel). To that end, we continue to raise financial support to keep us on the road, discipling teens and young adults, writing, and more. If you would like to support us in this way, you may do so in the following ways:
Give through the donate link located at the bottom of this page. (Be sure to designate gift on the memo line to “Scott & Steph Support.”)
Give by check to 121 Inc.: Again, please be sure to place Scott and Steph Support on memo line. The check may be mailed to 121 Inc., P.O. Box 26, Wallburg, NC 27373.
Support us by purchasing one of our books on Amazon: These can be found at www.scottreid.life.
Final Word: While one-time gifts are certainly needed, appreciated, and never taken for granted, our greatest need is for monthly giving partners. Any and every amount in this way helps: $10–$25–$50–$100. Thank you enormously.