Where: TBA
Who will attend: Teens––college students––adults––those ready to delve into the depths of understanding their identity in Christ (it is all about who you are––who you can be––all wrapped up in living as an image bearer of Christ // Col. 1:27, 2 Cor. 5:17, Col. 3:3)
Lodging & Meals: Lodging is in campus facilities––Groups housed together––No couples housing (only guys’ and girls’ cabins available)––Meals prepared and served by the campus kitchen staff
Cost: $TBA––covers lodging, meals, facility rental, program and activity expenses
What we’ll be doing when:
Worship gatherings: total of five
Meals: also five
Late night desserts: both evenings
Intentional quiet times: four scheduled times to “commune”
Breakouts: Smores & Fun // A reaction to Jesus // Prayer Journey // Expression––Life lessons to remember!––(4 experiences in 4 hours!)
How To Go
Be sure to read (and possibly re-read!) the To Bring Not To Bring information provided below in the black box. There you will find a packing list for the weekend. (Important: there is a box on our registration form stating that you’ve read this.)
Click on the 127 logo above to be taken to the online Registration Page––simply fill it out and click submit.
Payment: Once you have submitted the form, payment can be made in one of two ways: (1) click “Donate” at the bottom of the page and follow prompts––(at the “make a contribution” prompt, give $TBA to cover registration fee––*this will not be tax deductible). In the “additional information” line provided, please fill in the name of the student as it appears on registration form.
*If you are registering more than one––simply fill out and submit individual forms for each––then multiply that number by the $TBA to submit a single payment. (Place each name as it appears on the registration form in the “additional information” line provided).
(2) Send check by mail to 121 inc., PO Box 26, Wallburg, NC 27373–––make checks payable to 121 inc. Place student or students’ name(s) as they appear on registration form on memo line of check.
You will receive a confirmation /receipt along with NEXT STEPS information by email once payment has been received.
Be sure each student has read (and possibly re-read) the To Bring Not to Bring information provided below in the black box. There you will find a packing list for the weekend. (Important: they will have to check a box on the registration form stating they have read this information.)
Ask parents to click on the 127 logo above to be taken to the online Registration Page––simply fill it out and click submit. Important: be sure you know who has registered and who has not. We will forward to you submitted registrations which have listed your church or group to help with this.
Payment: Send a check by mail to 121 inc., PO Box 26, Wallburg, NC 27373–––checks payable to 121 inc. Provide a typed list of students’ and leaders’ names as they appear on their registration forms with your check.
You will receive a confirmation /receipt along with NEXT STEPS information by email once payment has been received.
NOTE: If you are a group leader but do not wish to pay as a group––simply ask your students and leaders to register and pay individually following the directions listed for individuals above. We will place them into cabins according to the church or group names they provide on the form. (We will be sure to keep you together.)
All forms and payments must be completed by the registration dates posted. Refunds will not be given after these dates for cancelations or no shows (*half of registration fee will be refunded if canceling within three weeks of scheduled retreat). Thank you for your understanding!