With a timid excitement and hopeful heart, the Circle Journey Tour (formerly home tour) is making its return in July of 2025. We say timid, because our road––covid and post covid––has been uncertain. As we had posted many times before 2020, we were in need of replacing much of our touring equipment. Of course, as it did for so many, covid changed everything. We were on hold indefinitely. Since then, we have been able to make two trips on mission; both of which confirmed our great need for more suitable/functional touring gear. And so, we made the need known and waited.
Fast forwarding to 2024, we have been blessed with church groups who have requested that we take their students out on mission even as many of our former Group Homes have reopened (along with a few new partners whom we will introduce shortly). That being said, we couldn’t say no, and have simply stepped out in faith and have begun to book the tours.
We’ll be starting off with a summer leg (July 6-18), covering Winston-Salem, NC (training), Live Oak, FL (Florida Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch group home), and Orlando, FL (Orlando Union Rescue Mission). We are happy to be partnering with a youth group from Venice, FL along with a collaborative group of students from the Triad of NC.
*a note on Orlando Union Rescue Mission: This is a new partner for us! We were blessed to visit them for a Christmas leg in 2022 and simply fell in love with the place! Housing 50 or more single moms and dads with their children (infant - teen years), providing shelter, meals, career training, financial counseling and more, they are a model for discipling in the hardest of places! We are so excited about the invitation to labor with this beautiful outreach ministry in the Orlando area.
In view of these opportunities, we wanted to make the present need known once again, trusting Holy Spirit to move on hearts to meet the need. Specifically, to travel well (safely and efficiently) we need: two 18’ heavy duty crank stands––6 sticks of 11.48’ box truss––wireless mic system replaced––front lighting––new road box wheels!!!––road case parts––x2 power generators / inverters & x8 10/3 100’ extension cables––replenished mic cables––misc. odds and ends.... The total needed to make all this happen is $25,00.00 on the low end––$27,000.00 on the high.
If your heart is stirred to help, you can learn how from the DONATE link below. You can also contact Scott Reid for specific details at your convenience.
Thanks so much for reading!
More updates will be along shortly!