Are these Children’s Homes / Rescue Missions safe?: Yes. Both the homes and the missions are staffed with professionally trained care providers. The teens in residence are supervised closely at all times with clearly outlined protocols for visiting groups––as are the teams we take.

Who Chaperones Our Teams: When traveling with minors (rising freshman through 12th grade), their youth pastor and any church volunteers are their primary chaperones. In addition, 121inc. leadership staff with 25+ years of youth pastoring and chaperone experience. Included as well are typically two to three tour veterans (adults ages 19-35) who also care for the students who travel with us.

More on Safety: Each participant will have a medical release form on file should any medical attention be required. While we do not take responsibility for any medications a student may require while in transit with us, we do travel with team members with experience in first aid and minor medical care needs. You or the contact you provide on your registration form will be contacted if medical services are needed.

Communication: While team members are encouraged to travel with their phones, they are required to have them on silent during all team meetings and worship gatherings. We will encourage them to check messages on a regular basis.

About the To Bring Not To Bring list: 121 is very strict concerning these details. They are non-negotiable. They are for the protection (physical and spiritual) for all involved. Please be sure to read it closely. It will be sent promptly as a reply to your registration. This document contains important dates, deadlines, packing information (what can and cannot be packed), additional traveling expenses (fast food stops), etc. (a sample copy can be viewed here: Sample Copy )

Can you visit us: Certainly! At anytime. We only ask that you make your own arrangements for travel, meals, and lodging. In connection to this and communication, if at all possible, please refrain from sharing news of a distracting nature. As a caution, though we love and support your presence, if you suspect it may create any kind of homesickness (causing them to want to go home early), please reconsider. Let these days accomplish what they are intended to accomplish for your teen and our shared mission.

Further Questions: Feel free to contact us via email through the contacts link on this site. Thanks!